No Sense of Humour?

After the week he’s had I imagine that David Cameron would not have been looking forward to the new series of ‘Have I got News for you’ which started last night.

As it turned out, he was probably relieved that they didn’t spend the whole half hour on the Panama Papers and how he handled the media over the last 5 days. It’s been hard to believe that his first job was in PR isn’t it? Maybe his family had connections that helped him get a start.

I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the right career choice for him – mind you, thinking about it…..

‘HIGNFY’ wasn’t quite a classic – how could it be with the Doris from UKIP clumsily knocking out pre-planned jokes (and I use the term loosely) – and with all the subtlety of Eric Pickles hearing that there were only 2 Krispy Kreme’s left on the platter.

It was however, made up for by the comedian Henning Wehn – whoever said the Germans have no sense of humour never saw this guy in action.

He may look a bit odd and have the weirdest accent you ever heard, but blimey the bloke is very funny and spontaneously witty.

If you missed the show you can catch it here, worth seeing for Henning, Paul, Ian and the excellent host, Stephen Mangan –

You won’t be disappointed , unless you abide in Downing Street that is – well, at least for the moment anyway.

The best quote of the show (and there were many good ones) came when Ian Hislop was asked about why he didn’t try to comfort IDS when he cried over some poor mite.

Ian simply said “because it was Ian Duncan Smith”



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